Tagged by the WONDERFUL Kaelah!

i was tagged by the wonderful & beautiful Kaelah from Little Chief Honeybee
i'm suppose to answer her 8 questions & then tag 8 people to answer my 8...

1. If you could have a tea party and invite any 4 people, who would you invite and why?
gustav klimt

prince albert

queen victoria

simon pegg

why, you ask? because... Gustav is my favorite artist & i would like some tips and pointers ::
Prince Albert & Queen Victoria because i love their love story and would like to find out all the truths & false in their life ::: and Simon Pegg because the man cracks me up, i love all his movies!

2. What is one city you'd love to explore?
Chicago & i get to go in August..woohoo!

3. Describe your perfect day!
my perfect day would be 70 degrees outside on a hammock with a cool breeze,
 reading a book with a tall glass of iced tea, &
with my husband next to me doing the same thing.

4. What are some of your guilty pleasures? (Music, food, movies, etc)
i have many..but i will go with a TV show..

tori and dean

5. What is your astrological sign and do you think you fit the description?


sure why not. lol. i defiantly like unusual people.

6. When do you feel your prettiest?
after working out
(weird i know but i love sweating and making my body healthy.)

7. Do you keep a written journal or diary?
i do not. boo.

8. What is your main life goal?
to open my own bookstore, paint til i can not, be healthy, & reach my 70th wedding anniversary with my husband.

all images via weheartit
